
Shatterproof is an independent, self funded preforming arts group set up in 1984. We work to produce a range of original material in areas of drama, dance and film.

Shatterproof was created to allow people who had been turned away from various other preforming arts groups whether they had a disability or not. We strive to allow anyone to be apart of their group no matter their condition as they aim to address this inequality.

The group is renowned for creating and preforming our own material such as “Toys ‘R After Us”, “Showdown at Stodge City”’ and our latest production “Chorley’s Dripping”. Everything we produce is all unscripted which allows people with reading or learning disabilities to be apart of the productions.

As long as you are over the age of 16 and you are interested in performing arts the you are more than welcome to become part of the growing group.


Contact Us: Tel:0113 2494561
Email: theatershatterproof@yahoo.co.uk