
It was in these early years that fundamental, shatterproof forming decisions were made. Firstly that the group would never turn anyone away as long as they could express, or display an interest in the Performing Arts. Secondly, that we would only perform material created by us or written especially for that and finally us we would only ever perform in venues with disabled access.

Shatterproof then entered it's first major phase, performing one or even two pieces of theatre a year. Memorable performances included "Toys 'R After Us", "Showdown at Stodge City" and "Wolfs Revenge".

A Brief glimmer of hope was the staging of "In Search of Treasure" a performance to celebrate 25 years of disabled adoption in Leeds, however Shatterproof still lacked recognition or basic funding and it appeared that the play had ended!

In May 2009 the group staged "Chorley's Dripping" a comedy based on the true events of the Leeds Dripping Riot of 1865. Shatterproof was reborn.